Highly responsive and flexible in export markets.

Mr.Wine & Spirits has built close and trustworthy relations with rigorous wine-growers from the major wine-producing regions of France. Mr.Wine & Spirits selects these growers for their expertise and the passion they bring to their work. You’ll be won over by the remarkable wine quality and tasting experience. All our partner wine-growers comply with the regulations and quality standards in effect. Their expertise is regularly rewarded by numerous medals and outstanding scores.

This is why we have selected a wide range of still and sparkling European wines, with or without appellations. We have chosen them for their excellent value-for-money without compromising quality.

Mr.Wine & Spirits’s experts are strategically located throughout United states of America and France. This presence gives us outstanding visibility of your markets and in-depth knowledge of their demands.


Mr.Wine & Spirits affirms its reputation through the quality of its brands. Brands of high-added value, created specifically to meet your market, from the selection of the wine to its packaging.

We offer you wine of consistent quality, a bottle packaged with care and creativity, at the fairest price and with a continuous quest for improvement. This expertise is regularly rewarded by numerous medals and scores in French and international rankings.

Our aim is to guarantee your competitiveness and optimise your margins.



Mr.Wine & Spirits is constantly at your side to bring excellence and a dash of spice to your results. If you don’t find ‘your’ wine, we will develop it for you. We will create a brand for you, adapted to your market and at the right price.